Episode 14 - Weather and Climate in Agriculture

Show Notes

Hosts:  Jeff Cunningham and Ryan Harris

Guest: No Guest

Description:  The agriculture sector makes up one of the largest market shares supported by the weather and climate industry.  In this Triple Point Podcast episode, Jeff and Ryan briefly trace the historical move to agrarian societies to today’s farming and talk about a range of insights and predictions some companies that are monetizing weather information to optimize agriculture production.  Jeff introduces (and copyrights) the term “weather arbitrage,” and we also take time to discuss how climate change may impact agriculture in the future.  Finally, we introduce our first student spotlight, Michael Plummer from Penn State University. LISTEN HERE


Tracing the move to agrarian societies to today's farming


Climate changes on agriculture and Pakistan's historic flooding


Monetizing agriculture forecasting


The weather arbitrage (copyrighted)


Is climate change good or bad for agriculture and food security?


Other weather and climate technologies supporting agriculture


Student Spotlight (Michael Plummer)
