Weather stations have become an essential tool for many homeowners, gardeners, and weather enthusiasts. Among the plethora of options available in the market, the Tempest Weather System by WeatherFlow stands out as a top contender.

The Tempest Weather System is not just a weather station; it's a complete weather solution for your home. It combines the power of the Tempest Weather Station with the Tempest app, ensuring you get the most accurate forecasts tailored for your location. Whether you're managing your smart home, tending to your garden, or making weather-driven decisions, this system has got you covered. I personally use my Tempest Weather System to manage our small hobby farm's animal and gardening operations.

General weather apps are aplenty, but the Tempest app is in a league of its own. It harnesses real-time weather data from your backyard and combines it with AI-based Nearcast Technology. This ensures a dramatic improvement in forecast accuracy right where it matters most – at your home.

The Tempest Weather Station boasts a revolutionary design that's both advanced and simple. With no moving parts, it requires minimal maintenance. Plus, it offers instant online data, a free personal webpage, and a rich API that supports numerous third-party applications. Setting it up is a breeze; you can have it up and running in less than five minutes!

The Tempest Weather System seamlessly integrates with smart home assistants like Google Home and Amazon Alexa. This allows you to automate various home functions based on real-time weather conditions, such as adjusting outdoor lights based on sky brightness or optimizing thermostat settings.

Whether you're a weather enthusiast or just someone looking to make informed decisions based on accurate weather data, the Tempest is undoubtedly a top choice.

-Jeff, Co-Host of the Triple Point™ Podcast & Owner of 81 Degrees, LLC.

The Triple Point™ is a Tempest Ambassador (Affiliate).